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VGCHARTZ user: Ping_ii

Red Dead Redemption – PS3 Version Runs At 720p


There has been alot of rumours & various reviews & reviewers going around stating that the PS3 version is “Sub-HD”, & has a resolution of 640p & whatnot.. Even Veteran Beyond 3D technical forum member’s Al_Strong had a little go with finding out it’s true resolution.

Well.. I can now confirm right here & now that the PS3 version’s native resolution is indeed 720p!

Take a look at this screenshot here that was taken directly from the PS3 version:

Direct-Capture PS3 720p Screenshot

That direct-feed screenshot’s resolution is exactly 1280 x 720.. therefore the PS3 version runs at no less than 720p, my friends

So, I hope that clears things up & if you want, you can see even more direct-capture screenshots from the PS3 version by clicking here which are also in.. *gasp*, Don’t be suprised now.. 720p.



Red Dead Redemption sports the same sub-HD resolution as its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 4, on the PlayStation 3.

The lower resolution results in a slightly less sharp image compared to its Xbox 360 brother, it's been claimed.

The Xbox 360 version of Red Dead Redemption has been confirmed to be 720p with 2x anti-aliasing, whereas the PlayStation 3 version has been pared down to approximately 640p. That's a 20 per cent lower rendering resolution.

Veteran Beyond 3D technical forum member Al_Strong today confirmed the PS3 game's vertical resolution to be 640 pixel's high, but struggled to pin down its horizontal resolution.

Infamous pixel-counter Quaz51 (he broke Halo 3's sub-HD resolution) confirmed this analysis, adding that he believes that Redemption's horizontal resolution is the same as Grand Theft Auto 4's. This puts the PS3 version of Red Dead Redemption at 640x1152; the equivalent of 644p.

That's not to say that the PS3 version of the game doesn't enjoy the same graphical upgrades to Rockstar's GTA4 engine as the Xbox 360 game. No matter the platform, it's still one of the best games of the year, so don't go on a rage campaign just yet.

Moreover, since we've yet to have official confirmation from Rockstar, it's just a rumour for now, and more importantly - who cares?



THis is not one of the best excamples, but you get a small idea. Lighting can be changed for either console/TV, but the jaggies is what the image shows.


Now Gamer

We're one of the only sites to play both versions of Red Dead Redemption

We've played both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game and we can categorically state that - other than a 600mb install on the Sony console - they're virtually identical. Yep, Red Dead Redemption is a technical marvel on both the Xbox 360 and PS3, with stunning visual effects, efficient background loading and of course great gameplay throughout. Rockstar were unavailable to comment on our findings.

Red Dead Redemption is a technical marvel on both consoles

While some games suffer platform-specifc differences in terms of vertical-sync and refresh rate issues we noticed nothing of the sort in Red Dead. Follow the links to check out our reviews on both PS3 and Xbox 360, read why we think it's a Game of the Year contender or watch the launch trailer...

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XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

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