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guys good news sony has admitted 22ms lag for ps move, which is a really small lag that you will not really notice at all, so yes it is less than 1 frame just as they said, impressive:):)

here you go::

According to a play-test by ItWire, their experience with Playstation Move revealed a 'little noticeable' 22ms lag with Playstation Move. Likewise, their experience with 3D gaming indicated there was still a little bit of work to do and things were not as clear as expected.

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This game highlighted the slight lag between actions and on-screen reaction, Sony says this is 22 ms, and it is a little noticeable. On the plus side however the accuracy of movement puts this motion controller above the Wii experience.

Twisting the wrist shows an impressive corresponding flick of the faux tennis racquet, but the game itself was a little underwhelming, it was a tech demo more than anything. Mention should also be made of the rumble feature in the Move, it feels more buzzy than I expected.

The Move demo was impressive overall, and the software on display has more work to be done before release.

Donning a lightweight pair for active shutter 3D glasses, I had a go at Sony’s 3D gaming experience. Whilst the patched version of MotorStorm on display was initially pretty impressive fun. But whether it was the lighting or the pre-3D enabled Bravias it was soon apparent there is a little work to do. The HUD display was too ghostly and the image not as clear as one would expect.

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