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Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:
How's this for a good comparison between the ps3 and 360:

Final 360 development kits arrived in September of 2005 (source - TeamXbox).

Final PS3 development kits arrived in August of 2006 (source - GameInformer).

In just a little over year after receiving final 360 devkits, Epic Games managed to release Gears of War. It was graphically stunning, a true next-generation showcase.

In comparison, just a little over a year after receiving final ps3 devkits, Epic managed to create Unreal Tournament 3, a game that is superior to Gears of War in every way. The character models are more detailed, the environments are larger, and there are more characters on screen at any given time.

Developers are doing more with the ps3 in less time than it took them on the 360. Uncharted is graphically superior to any other console game to date, and Killzone 2 is looking to set the bar even higher.

And what happens if it ends up looking just as well on the 360? It looks better then gears of War did, but note how he doesn't mention how it looks in comparison to the 360 version. Also saying Uncharted is graphically superior in every way is a gross overstatement... as even if it was technically superior in every way, that's not all that matters in graphics.

 It should look just as good on the 360, given all the experience Epic has had developing on the 360.  My point was that Epic made a better looking game for the ps3 in the same time it took them to make a lesser game on the 360.

They'll have had more than twice as much time to work with the 360 by the time a 360 port of UT3 hits shelves, so it should look just as good as the ps3 version, and possibly even better..