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Sounds like the game is still hard post patch.
I was able to get 100% in PJ Eden before the patch they released that made the game easier by extending the time limit by slowing down the speed the time goes down. To this day I still consider it one of the hardest games I've achieved 100%. I don't think I've ever sworn and thrown my controller down into my couch more times in any other game as I did with PJ Eden....

It was just so frustrating to get to the last seed on a tough level you've been playing for an hour and then have the time run out right at the end of the level because you fell. All that progress lost with just one mistake an hour into the level. Wow, it still makes me angry just thinking about it. LOL. Or just not knowing how to unlock certain areas as it takes a bunch of attempts to figure it out and of course the time runs out again! On the other hand it was some of my most rewarding gaming moments clearing those stages with all seeds after hours and hours and hours of trying and failing. And then the rewarding trophy sound - Ding!

In answer to your thoughts the last two gardens weren't the hardest IMO. Garden 9 was actually really, really easy. Garden 8 where you had to unlock switches and Garden #7 where the gravity flips were the two hardest ones for me. Stage 10 was probably the 3rd hardest level where the gravity switching happens again, but it's a lot more straight forward than level than 7. No spot is too difficult to get to because the wind in stage 10 only blows left to right and then right to left and it's always alternating. It never blows in all directions like it did in garden 7 and you just have to keep climbing up with a little backtracking for a few multiple paths.

The 3 player ping pong trophy wasn't too bad. I did it myself by switching controllers.

Good luck finishing the game! Are you going to get the expansion pack? I never bothered to buy it myself. Didn't feel like raising my blood pressure with that game anymore. haha. Although now you got me thinking about it again.... hmmmm