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Why are Fanboys of the other Consoles so loud?!

Its called Bias*.

At first I was thinking maybe a malicious forum software made all the Opposition-Fanboy drivel appear larger than reality when read. However that doesn't quite make sense. What does make sense is that if you shrink the gaming world down to just your Console(s) and then only compare postings relative to the ones that match your viewpoint then obviously the opposing ones would appear more annoying than they actually were. I like to call this effect Severely Misguided Gullibility or SMG** for short.

Its bothered me for years. I have wanted to come up with a term to categorise why other Fanboys always seem to be in larger numbers than they actually are, especially in comparison to my platform(s) with much more reasonable people. See for instance Playstation 3***. Its got a great many Fanboys and thats certain. But is it that bad? Look at the Nintendo Fanboys by comparison. They will allways brag with their huge(ererer) sales, when they know perfectly well that a lot of their games are aimed at a complete different and much larger audience but, with a handful exceptions per year, don't matter to a discussion between hardcore gamers.

So now I humbly propose that perhaps Fanboys have succeeded even more grandly than anyone had anticipated. They have sucked people into their very own worlds, brainwashed them into believing their propaganda and declared all who would care to Oppose their viewpoint to be particularly ANNOOOYYYYIIINNNNNGGGGG****.

*Im not meaning for any offense, this is merely in jest. Feel free to come up with your own discriptions so long as you make an attempt to not be offensive.

**No breach of copyright intended or implied.

***Playstation 3 was used merely as an example, there are other Consoles which can be used but I limited it to one viewpoint to limit possible offense.

****Disclaimer relative to the confederate Fanboys.



I'd like to preventively add this Graph.

(image stolen from Indexed)