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Monster Hunter 3 - Couldn't get into this game. Too much hard-to-read dialogue and not enough monster killing.
Super Paper Mario - Again, this game would be great if it wasn't buried under mounds of dialogue bubbles.
Gears of War - Muscle bound freaks shooting guns. Big deal. I'd rather play Uncharted.
Dead Space - Just a copycat of everything else. I'd rather play Bioshock.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - Painful game to play. How can this be considered fun?
Grand Theft Auto 4 - The original GTA was fun, this was laden with boring activities such as dating missions, bowling, darts, watching shows, etc. What happened to the mayhem and chaos?
Oblivion - Especially draggy with the large, large distances one has to travel and the constant loading times within the city area. Plus the dynamic difficulty really screws things up.
Call of Duty 4 - Forced tutorial is awful. The first missions are very boring. The game only starts to get interesting near the end.