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NintendoTogepi said:

117 stars.

These last 3 (Kamella Daredevil, Bouldergeist Daredevil and Dreadnought Secret Star) are killin' me.

I know what to do, but I just can't execute it properly :(

 On the Dreadnought one you want to throw the bombs on the coin bubbles you can't pop. They're effectively markers for the proper placement. Second you start grab the nearest bomb and throw it on one and keep doing so untill you use up all four, wait by the ready for the first bomb you used to respawn so you can grab it an chuck it to the next marker. You should have two extra bombs when the last markers are covered, I throw those out anyways next to the other bombs, try and chain thier explosions to assure I nail every piece of trash. It's an annoying as hell star to get.

 As for Bouldergeist, I find patience helps a lot. On my first playthrough I was shooting the rocks, trying to get the bomb ghosts to spawn faster and got killed about 8 times in the process of trying to rush through him. Second playthrough focused on just staying alive and took my chances as they came. Beat it with a single life that time. Took a while since I keep hitting his damn hands. You can also grab the bomb ghosts from quite a distance, a spin anywhere near them is usually enough, even if they aren't whole.

As for Kamella, didn't have any major problems with her. Watch her wand, if it's glowing green, that's a shell, if red, 
fireballs. You can also grab the shell while it's still in magic dust form, just spin near it before it touches the ground. When she retreats to the crow's nest, make sure you kil her underlings right away. Shoot them with star bits to prevent them from attacking, and force them to stay in play long enough to smack them. After that just avoid where her fireballs fall untill you get two more shells.