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@Lestardark , i could have gone into more detail on the specific formula but my aim and i probably did it poorly was to say you only need a few of the heaps of organics/non-organics to upgrade efficiently and the extra stuff clouds the waters especially as most parts have very little gil value ,if you have lots of upgrade gear it's better to dole it out so the lesser stuff has some value early and as you venture in to the game more efficient upgrades rear there heads, this happens with the non organic big hitters like ultra compact reactors and such gained by way of battle /treasure spheres but the most cost effective organics,sturdy bone,barbed tail,vibrant ooze are right there and are all you need,so the hard part is working out what the few that you need are amongst the dross, i have a theory that developers deliberately make what is after all a fairly simple process if you do the math the , look complicated by deliberately adding lots of items /layers etc to the mix so people will buy there guides.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot