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Severance said:
Grahamhsu said:
eh...I would sign but I game mainly on whatever system the game performs better on

Resonance of Fate: 360
FF13: PS3

RoF performs better on 360 ? i didn't know that, but i totally ignored all reviews and media of this game so thats probably why i didnt know.

A lot of people say framerate is better on PS3, I wouldn't know as I personally haven't touched the PS3 version but from screenshots, character textures are slightly sharper on Xbox, I can see the cloth weaving on 360, while on PS3 it's a bit blurrier. For me sharper textures > framerate, (unless framerate drops under 25 fps) so ultimately it all boils down to preference. As for 3d Dot Heroes I CAN'T WAIT TILL I HAVE FREE TIME TO PLAY IT! It's part of the reason I bought a PS3.

Robotech how about a FF14 Guild instead =P, Would love to mmo with some of yoos.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-