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I won't deny that both consoles ( xbox & ps3 ) are very close on the technical platform, but that's mostly because of the developers who don't take full the advantage of the Cell power.

But there are other issues as well.

For instance, if you also would like to view HighDef video, the PS3 is a better offer.
If you want to play online without the extra costs, the PS3 is a better offer.
If you want to support a console that's more open and doesn't restrict 3rd party developers to produce hardware for more / better entertainment, you should consider the PS3.
If you want to support a platform where the 3rd party game-developers can decide for themselves to release additional content for free, you should consider the PS3.
If you don't want to purchase extra peripherals just to charge your wireless controller or get wireless internet, you should consider the PS3.
If you want to avoid the possibility that your console needs to be returned to the repairshop every now and then, you should consider the PS3.
If you like to support a company that cares about the ecological environment you live in, you should consider the PS3.
If you don't want to be surprised that you cannot play a game anymore due to damages, you should consider the PS3. ( the BR-discs are harder to damage than the average DVD9 discs)

If all the games you like are multiplatform, the best you can choose is the PS3.