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MaxwellGT2000 said:
ProdigyBam said:
i wonder what will be better on Wii other than "the controls" now that the PS3s version will most likely get move support..

Still likely to be the controls, since the IR technologies work differently

Well not only that but Wii remote has been used for FPS's many times now and for the most part the developers have been able to get it spot on.  Especially Treyarch who is now doing their 5th FPS on the Wii.  Different ballpark for Move which hasn't been used by the developer at all yet.  Wii had quite the "learning curve" for developers and it's hard to think that Move won't.  Having Move isn't going to make the PS3 version automatically "better"... not at least until we see how the developers are able to use it.

Even more preemptive which Prodigy didn't mention, is Move support hasn't even been confirmed for the game haha.  Who even knows if the developer is thinking they'll put Move in.  Guess we'll find out at E3.  Those are statement we need to save for later when concerning a new peripheral and a newly announced game.