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shio said:
libellule said:
shio said:
My point is, regardless of how you call yourself, your race will always be determined by your blood, not who you hang out with.

It is the same the few men that feel they should be women and try to have a sex change operation. They'll never be women, even after the operation. In comparison, there's no way for a person to change race (what MJ did isn't the same)

well, on daily basis, it will be determined by how you look/act like, not by your blood.

example on me :

from 6-12

I m with a lot of black/arab guys, my spanish name sounds normal and i m considered as a white.

from 12-20

I m with a lot more of white people, my spanish name sounds exotic, people make joke about it and everybody know that I m half spanish / half armenian from my grand parents (despite being 100% french in my head). I m even, sometimes, called the spanish or the armenian ...

spanish/armenian is more of an ethnical thing, not race. Besides, armenians and spaniards are mostly white, which means you're probably white (if your parents are the typical armenian/spaniard)

yep true, at best I m "mediteranean", but my "race" is overall white

but what I m saying can easly be applicate to mixed people

Let's imagine, If Obama spend from 6-12 in Kenya (he is considered as white) and then from 12-20 in NA (he is black)
he will be in a similar situation than me in school

you got my example ?

Time to Work !