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naznatips said:
eugene said:
Actually, the longer is a system is out, the attach rates usually go down. Its easier to have high attach rates with the less systems you sell. If you only sell 2 systems, you only have to sell 12 games, but with 14 million systems, you have to sell 84 million games.

You're mistaken. Attach rate grows with the system's life, not shrinks. This has been the case on every system in memorable history up to the last year or 2 of the consoles life. At that point used game sales can hurt attach rate a lot (See: PS2).

Yeah, honestly I think he's confused just because the least successful console almost always has the higher attach rate. However... that is only one factor. Attach rates grow because more software people want to buy come out. It grows slower on more popular systems because there are plenty of casuals vs hardcore, however the attach rates still grow because of more software, and the fact that software becomes cheaper, even in traditional stores so people buy the games when discounted. That and the emergence of "Greatest hits" helps.