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So... since all types of RPGs are allowed, i'll say Mount&Blade:Warbands.
Didn't play the other one, but i'm hooked to this one. It has many flaws of course due to it's budget, but the core gameplay is great, the relationship mechanism is promissing, you do have a sense of purpose although you are not binded to play a certain way.... and yeah the gameplay is great :p

In a more traditional RPG style, I liked Dragon Age, though there is way to much useless talk... and too often it seems the different talk options don't do anything at all except trigger a sentence followed by the same answer from the NPC.

JRPG/SRPG wise, I have to confess that I have not played all the games I wanted or actually bought... so i can't really make a fair judgement. I liked LO though.

As far as JRPGs