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senseinobaka said:
Lol, great OP.

Anyway...i feel like adding my two cents on some of the discussions here:

1)I believe MNR will be the second best Kart Racer of the generation....the first will remain MKDS. MNR will be miles better than MKWii.

2)Kart racers are a sub genre popularized by Nintendo. Sony us not ripping Nintendo off they are simply competing in a sub genre where Nintendo reigns supreme. I think that's a good thing because now Nintendo cant get away with a bare bones release like MKWii in the future.

3)Amp pwn'd Zen

Your belief is yours, mine is:

MKWii >>> MK:DD >>>>>> Brain Training > MKDS >>>>>>>>>> MK64.

I can'tsay where modnation racers would fit as I haven't played it, and can't determine how good it is from videos and screenshots... my guess would be if they fixed the loading times about the same as Double Dash, (15 seconds is a long loading time, 30 seconds is really bad) which is pretty awesome.