puffy said:
I have no idea what you mean lol, care to explain? @leo-j: I'm afraid you're mistaken in regards to a consoles peak and the effect price will have on the PS3's peak. (1) Wii is currently at $199 and is selling worse than it did in 2008 at $249 (2) The difference between past generations and this one means that the $199 price point, the peak in software sales and the time it has taken to get to the $199 price point has to be considered. Sony are seeing their software peak RIGHT NOW, for the PS2, $199 was the magic price point, for PS3 it will be/and is $299. It's all based on cycles and momentum and currently the PS3 has a lot of momentum and is in it's prime, unfortunately, Sony didn't plan the pricing cycle right. (3) Historically consoles have sold most of the LTD sales after they've hit the $199 price point, however for the PS3, as I mentioned in (2) this will come late in it's life cycle and therefore more consoles will actually be sold before it hits $199.
It's all about cycles, you are too fixated on the figures of past generations, and more importantly, you have to remember that the PS3 IS NOT the PS2, it's still in third position, it's most likely going to lose the overall hardware race, the HD system race (although this is debatable) and also the motion control race. Besides that, Sony are only now making profit on the PS3 hardware, do you think they're going to want to cut the price any time soon? The PS3 will most definitely by past it by the time you expect it to peak and the consumer will have moved onto bigger and better things.
u are saying that ps3 will feel outdated when next nintendo/microsoft , and that may not be case, sony took precautions to avoid that, PS3 now have motion controls and 3d support, built exchangable HDD, HDMI, Wifi all built in, ps3 main weakness its lack ps2 emulation, and i am pretty sure sony will announce, it all depends if they can find the software to keep the console healthy, they did an awesome job 2009-2010, if they can keep it i assure it will continue selling.
games still will be 720p/1080p and i assure nintendo won't do anything radical next gen it may be even weaker than the ps3.
wii it's selling worse because lack software, i don't mean quantity or software sales, i mean quality AAA titles, this year they have galaxy 2 and metroid.
and wii was feeling pressure of the new slim at 249$, and they weren't going to meet their yearly target, and wii did get a huge bump after the price cut.