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ZenfoldorVGI said:
psrock said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Does the fact that ModNation Racers will sell like shit compared to Mario Kart, which it is a direct ripoff of, come into play at all?

I'll say this, I disagree with those who claim that UGC is a bad thing. I enjoy making UGC, and something is better than nothing anyday of the week. However, it's pushing it a little far to call it a selling point of a game. The game has to stand on its own merits first, before I'll waste my time making my shitty ass levels for it.

Did you even bother to read to OP?

How is MNR a rip off of Mario KART?

Yes, I read the whole goddamn OP, twice. What is up with the win for controls going to MNR? That is, imo, pure anti-Wii trolling, claiming that somehow waggle and motion controls detracts from the game. You know what that is. It's like saying that UGC takes away from MNR. You have the OPTION to do motion controls OR regular controls on MKWII so shouldn't it win in the controls department, or at least tie assuming MNR will have Move support(which I'd assume it would)??

That OP was biased, imo.

Next, how is it a ripoff? It's a damn clone. I can tell you the pitch the devs gave to Sony.

"OK guys, imagine Mario Kart, then we have Sony characters, or PS3 avatars, or whatever as the drivers instead of Nintendo characters. Then, we let users create custom tracks. It'll be popular because Mario Kart is hugely popular and there is no equivelant of it on the PS3 or any console really, for fans of the genre."

It's basically, adding a clock to an existing product. You ever seem them do that? You make a new thing, and somebody clones it, adds a clock, and says that it's a new item.

Are you seriously saying that this game is not inherantly related to the success of Mario Kart?

You obviously need to read to OP again because you missed the whole point of this thread.

The only thing that seems similar to me is the fact they are both KART racing games. It's like calling Forza a ripoff of GT.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)