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psrock said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Does the fact that ModNation Racers will sell like shit compared to Mario Kart, which it is a direct ripoff of, come into play at all?

I'll say this, I disagree with those who claim that UGC is a bad thing. I enjoy making UGC, and something is better than nothing anyday of the week. However, it's pushing it a little far to call it a selling point of a game. The game has to stand on its own merits first, before I'll waste my time making my shitty ass levels for it.

Did you even bother to read to OP?

How is MNR a rip off of Mario KART?

It's a kart racer so it just HAS to be a rip off right? It's like all car racers are a rip off of, hmm not sure, NFS? Seriosuly these comments are a joke..the fact that MNR has many things that other kart racers this gen can only dream of must be why some are whining like this. It does not ride on the fame of an over milked characters of a publisher nor does it follow the same formula a previous game from last gen used just on a new console, that is enough to make it stand on it's own merit

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