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I think what Nintendo really has to do is improve its software line-up. Make a huge first party push like the competition to draw in new gamers. Titles like WiiParty/LOZ will certainly help push Nintendo's hardware this fall but I think Nintendo needs to really push with all its might. Give gamers new titles in several key IP's like StarFox, Kirby , Donkey Kong....etc....etc...

But in the end this situation is still pretty good. I mean Nintendo expects to ship nearly 20-million units during the next fiscal year. If Nintendo sells another 18-million hardware units what exactly does Nintendo have to fear the Wii will almost be at 100-million. Once the 2011 fiscal year is over Nintendo should have about 110-million Wii's in peoples living rooms. That is pretty dang good if you ask me.

After 2011 Nintendo will have a new platform to begin making profits. But don't forget with a new platform the Wii will have a price cut as suggested in the poll. As well I bet once new hardware launches Nintendo will launch a players choice line-up or cut the prices of its software turning a wicked profit.

Keep in mind Nintendo still profited over a billion dollars with only a games and hardware division while Sony and Microsoft's game divisions didn't make nearly that much. I think Nintendo while loosing profits is still in the drivers seat and will be for the rest of this generation and with the 3DS and the next home console around the corner I can't see Nintendo loosing any profit in 2010 fiscal year or the 2011 fiscal year.

Nintendo's answer to this question is the 3DS and LOZ/WiiParty...etc... I expect a big E3 this year!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer