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Whatever floats your boat. You're just another preacher ending in "end of discussion" because you don't have any real arguments, except ones that I already proved wrong in about 5 different posts. Your "proof" is selective to fulfill your own needs, which are unfunded and self centered. Have a nice day..


And at that other rock above me:

"That you seem to be denying it is beyond me."

Where exactly did I deny anything? Don't put fking words in my mouth. I base my argument on more than just 3 games, unlike you.


"I did mention first party exclusives from both sides to make my point. While you gladly dismiss any of them from the equation."

I don't dismiss anything. You only say that because I'm not saying what you want to hear. You want me to say "yes the X360 exclusives had the same budget and team sizes and development time as the PS3 exclusives and in the end, they are all inferior to all PS3 exclusives". Well guess what, that's not gonna happen. Go dream somewhere else. This is the real world.

And oh.. I forgot about this one:


"What you're saying is akin to saying Jessica Alba (or whoever) isn't one of the most beautiful women in the worldbecause there are billions of normal looking women. ¬_¬"

That argument is retarded. Why? Because Jessica Alba has a different mother than all those other billion looking women. Your argument is completely empty, because there's nothing to actually compare. If you actually had two mothers that had different children, and you compared the children of the two, then it's an ok analogy, but now? It's nothing more than a failed attempt to making my argument look bad... If you only had one console and billions of games, one game of course will look better than the rest and it would be stupid to claim it wouldn't ... However, your argument is that the mother of the single best looking daughter, even if 10 other daughters from that same mother look worse, has the largest and most beautiful breasts..

Truth does not fear investigation