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@ Jessman

Hmm... i personally think the Xbox graphics are better on some games than the PS3. but thats just me.

Correct, many early XBox 360 ports are better on the originally intended for platform. Newer games are a bit of a mixed bag, some are marginally better on the PS3 such as Call of Duty 4 and Burnout Paradise (demo).

The XBox 360's strength is it's onboard EDRAM which is usefull for adding performance wise cheap HDR or AA polish working with lower resolutions. But devs are already hitting walls with exclusive XBox 360 games, for example Halo 3 is 640p, offers no AA and isn't entirely 30 FPS framerate solid. With regard to the PS3 exclusive games are rapidly improving, games like Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction (60 FPS, AA) and Unreal Tournamnet 3 (PC game ported) offer solid framerates. But there's still a lot of untapped potential while moving more legacy code off the PPE onto the SPEs (and more GPU related tasks, such as deferred rendering).


"We were using the SPUs and that's a key to having a game that runs fast on the PS3, but there were a lot of things that we knew we could improve, and we have been improving them on Ratchet. And even with Ratchet, we're still seeing more and more things we can do; it's kind of like peeling off the layers of an onion."

Source: Gamedaily

"We are continuing to build our Insomniac Engine and have made many improvements to it since Resistance: Fall of Man. The one huge focus for us has been moving more of our processes over to the SPUs on the CELL processor. This has allowed us to get our physics and effects systems running roughly four times faster than it did in Resistance at nearly double the framerate, which is something you can see in weapons like the Tornado Launcher."

Source: The New Zealand Herald

"What's most exciting is the way things are headed right now I think we'll see just as big a leap from our second generation engine to our third as we did from the first to second."

"The tech and gameplay teams have moved tons of things over to the SPUs that used to run on the PPU," said Hastings on the improvements made to Insomniac's game engine. "Collision and physics are entirely running on SPUs now, which allows us to put much more on the screen at once than we were able to with Resistance. Moving more and more code to the SPUs is an ongoing process and I think we'll continue to see major benefits from this for several more years."


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales