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My Wii gets more play then my hd console. And the fps titles on it are funner then the hd twins. At least imo. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is funner and more challenging then CoD MW. The 3rd party support is great for me, cant speak for anybody else. I have plenty to play and even more that I havent caught up on. My Wii is the funner console, and that is why I game in the first place. I swear that to this day no game on any other console in history has brought me in as much as Prime 3 Corruption. THE most engaging game ever made. You are Samus, and that is something only possible on Wii.

The great thing about the Wii that alot of people seem to ignore or not realize is that its based more on skill then either of the HD twins. Most of those titles (fps especially) hold your hand through out with that lock on crap. On a Wii fps you live and die by your reflexes. Try that rambo crap in Medal of Honor or Conduit and see how fast you get killed. Same with RE4 and the many rail shooters where its more based on your skill level then anything else. I know its cliche, but it really is gameplay first with the Wii. I can accept that. The hd visual dont impress me anymore so there biggest selling point is moot in my book. But this is all just my opinion