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Sony is copying NIntendo. Plan and simple. Why else make it look very much like the Wii remote in many ways? As far as Sony having the tech in 2004... Nintendo was working with motion controllers all the way back in the 80's.

IN fact let me give some of you a history lesson. We had motion controllers all the way back in the days of the 2600. They are nothing new. Out of all the design choices in the world though, Sony decided to make it look like the Wii remote.

What I find funny is how Sony fanboys spent years talking about how motion controls were garbage but the instant Sony announces them they are suddenly not only okay but vastly superior. If Nintendo did it the same people who say it isnt copying would have a completely different opinion.

If Nintendo showed off the 3DS and it was nothing but a copy of the PSP with dual analog I wonder how much some of your opinions would change