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Hephaestos said:
Thechalkblock said:
I don't understand why Square Enix hasn't released a remake of FFVII yet; they've remade everything else and they would make a ton off of VII.

Maybe this is finally it.

FF1-6 2D text cutscenes

FF VII 3D CIG cutscenes


with one there is a real upgrade.

With the other... you just upgrade the textures and the model complexity...

Heck if you have the PC version of FFVII you can probably change the textures yourself and have an HD FFVII...


The younger generation of gamers (post PS1) tends to be alergic to 2D gaming, hence the real benefit of doing remakes of the old FFS and DQs. FFVII is already in 3D, already has CGI cutscenes.... no real gain in quality.



yes but you can't possibly look at FFXIII cutscenes then look at FFVII cutscenes and say they look even remotely the same in quality. Also the pre-rendered backgrounds are low res and not properly proportioned, along with the blocky character models. the PC version you can change the models but it still looks like n64. They'd have to redo the whole game still. But, the art style, is there. 

Where as the 2D ones, like FFIV remake I thought was bad. The backgrounds look empty etc. But that was because they did a bad job imo.

I want them to remake FFVI more than 7 though. But even FFVI has better looking cutscenes cause of the PS Anthology at the start and at the end which was made after FFVII anyways. But FFVI, they have to make the 3D, as designing the look of the game is quite different in 3D as opposed to 2D.

Both I think if they were to do a proper remake... (not a upgrade) would take lots of work.