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Godsmurf said:

1. Producing too many Wii's was not such a big risk - the console has years to go so any surplus could eventually be used.
2. Apple never seems to have a problem meeting demand for new iPods at launch day btw, let alone a year later.

1. THe Wii outsold the gamecube in ONE year in many places. No one could have predicted this, so its totally foolish to suggest that they could have built up stock because it would sell eventually. Even the most liberal of demand estimates would not have suggested this. Can you imagine Sony making 120 million PS3s in the first year "hey we have the next 6 years to sell them!!!"

And as a matter of fact, having extra stock can kill a business, there are many examples of this in the video games

2. Awful analogy.
All apple need is basically a hard drive & a few other pieces. The first time they tried to go beyond that (the iPhone), guess what, they ran out of stock!