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Bungie_on_PS3 said:

GTA4 got nearly 100 on Meta and it was crap. It means nothing. It includes mostly American websites and blogs, plus crap like Edge which are MS biased (proven by maths) or even paid by MS themselves.

Fact is graphics are far superior on KZ2 (which nobody disagrees with except the most desperate fanboys), and multi is funnier.

Now I still can't wait to see what Bungie will do on PS3, now they'll have more power on their hands.

I doubt they can exceed the top of this gen games - gems like GoW 3 and Uncharted 2 - since graphically they were never on top even on 360.

Once again.... GTA 4 was crap in your opinion, too most people it rocked...

Of course a a high score on meta means something. A it definitely means alot more than one persons opinion on a game.

There's no doubt that KZ2 has superior graphics than HALO 3.

You may think that KZ2 has far superior graphics AND gameplay than halo, but it is the majority's opnion that matters in the end. And there's no doubt that HALO 3 (and the series as a whole) has influenced the gaming industry far more superior than KZ2 has. Sorry but its the facts. And although bungie may make games for ps3 in the future, HALO (the king of FPS on consoles) wont be made for the ps3 because its owned by Microsoft.

Plus HALO is way more popular than KZ. Ask anyone on the street or the neutral and casual gamer..... It's a fact, look at all the movies, sequels, books, action figures.... GOTTA LOVE IT =) 

These games are just so damn fun!

Im just glad i got both consoles to enjoy both series =).

Sorry buddy...