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zgamer5 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Wow I can;t believe something like this finally happened.

I really wonder what the sales potential of this game could be since it'll be multiplat.

Maybe Activision want a COD Killer lol

activision are greedy basterds, i hope infinity ward win the appeal. all they do is milk franchises, 3 cods in 2 years? i'm sure none of them will have any quality.

and also what does blizzard have to do in this? will that game be an mmo?

Blizzard has nothing to do with it really. Activision Blizzard is the parent company of both Activision and Blizzard, so most company statements metion Activision Blizzard not Activision. Lucky for MMO fans, Actvision hasnt been able to touch any Blizzard IPs, and has stuck to whoring the console gaming market.