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I have only played one Final Fantasy, FF13.

I thought the cast was very good apart from sazh who has been stereotyped to the point where I felt insulted (being a Black American). Did they have to make him like that.

In terms of development Hope is the best, he goes from a family tragedy to wanting revenge to calming down and becoming stronger and each change in his action is fluent and makes sense. Very good character.

Lightning is a very good character too, its funny to watch her punch people around & turns out to be more than a moody bitch that we think she is at the start. Snow is good, likeable.

Fang and vanille are terribly developed, they had the potential for the most interesting back story but aren't developed well at all, it seems Fang is there for eye candy and she disappoint there.

Overall Lightning, hope are among my all time fav's. Snow is good, the rest are passable with Sazh being a major complaint, I do not appreciate being streotyped in that fashion.