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Mr Puggsly said:
jarrod said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I don't think its fair to ignore the VC games. But if you must, lets just say the gen isn't over yet. They could add more games to the library that use the CC. Than you can officially agree the Wii CC is as practical as the PS2 BBA. What a stupid discussion we're having.

Tri sales outside of Japan is performing like I expected. Not horrible, not great. Perhaps it'll have good legs. Unless better core games steal sales... which is very unlikely.

In regards to FFXIV selling as well as Tri. Are you talking Japan only or world wide? I'm iffy about Japan, but the world sales of FFXIV will smash Tri.

100k+ in a week in NA is pretty great honestly, considering how hard a sell MH3 is when you get down to it (especially for the "Wii audience") and the sort of franchise legacy MH has in the west.  Frankly, I doubt it'd have done much if any better even as a 360 or PS3 game either.  Tri's pretty easily going to smash through Capcom's puny 500k expectation for the west, in fact it's probably going to more than double that.

In Japan, FFXIV literally has no hope of catching Tri in pure units sales.  And honestly, after the encouraging western debut, I think it's unlikely to match Tri worldwide as well.  Subsciprtion based console games just don't do that huge.

Well the expectations are always low for 3rd party Wii games, even a quality game like this is no exception. I'm sure MH3 could have performed better on HD consoles. Simply because its a core game and the HD consoles are popular for online gaming. Just an opinion, not worth debating.

When was a last time a subscription based online game hit consoles? The only major release this gen has been MH3. Also, FFXIV is gonna be on the PC as well. That's gonna steal potential PS3 sales. But ultimately, FFXIV will be much bigger than MH3.

I think a big part in MH3's success is Nintendo's direct involvement, particularly in Europe.  Honestly, I doubt it'd have gotten the same sort of sweetheart deal from MS or Sony (if it had, Sony at least probably would've gotten it).  Maybe I'll be proved wrong with Frontier though...

Plus, more JP games tend to get overlooked or lost in the shuffle on the HD twins.  Part of MH3's success is that it's something of a standout on Wii, while on PS360 it'd be just another AAA 3rd party game.


The last big subscription based game I can remember was Phantasy Star Universe, which bombed pretty hard on 360.  Before that it was FFXI on 360, which also tanked.