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tokilamockingbrd said:
Yea Louie, Ive notice I never get any response on my serious post... the only time you get decent responce is when you make a prediction or troll...

But good research there, I am very happy to see that the Wii is selling as well as the PS2 did on its best Christmas and than Japanese Hardware sells are strong...

What people are complaining about the most is the lack of good games selling out there... I personally believe they are, I just beleive that sales patterns have gone back to the way they were in the NES and SNES days in Japan, all legs, modest openings.

Bingo, intelligent threads with nothing to troll tend to be ignored.  In my early days on this site I did several long to research, a couple hours, threads about various sales and I got maybe 10-15 replies.  They were all pretty much "you're an idiot, x system is the greatest in history" or "well thought out, great post" replies but little in the way of discussion.

It's good to illuminate Japanese sales though because their buying habits are very different than here in the West though many posters tend to project our buying habits on them and then are shocked when the Japanese sales are different.  This is one example, the Japanese don't go ape-crazy buying video games in December like we do.  They also have a period of the year where sales, except fot the DS, fall to almost 0 which never happens here.

This does highlight I think that just like the DS saved the Japanese video game market in general the Wii is saving the console market.  The PS3 is struggling with Gamecube like sales, imagine if Nintendo had released a standard expensive HD Super Gamecube like so many hardcore gamers think they should have, where would the console market be?  It'd look a lot like the decline to 2004 continued.  Instead the Wii is basically managing the sales of every console last generation by itself.