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Maybe the contexts are off a little, I'm far from saying anything flopped myself, however if you put those values into a graph it would be a downward slope.

Last I checked the point of business was to make consumers, meaning garner interest, if Square-Enix is still a business and FFXIII was their product then yes it did fail to meet the goals of that business.

For example, Monster Hunter Tri on debue can be said to be a success in the west and success in the east depending on the context that could change though.

For example it hasn't out sold any of the portable Monster Hunters on portables in the east in that contexts Tri is a horrible failure.

I'm more than willing to accept this and not get defensive because it's true. If you look at just consoles then Tri is a massive success in the East as well.

My post is strictly observational. Honestly I couldn't care less about another FF unless it was FF Tactics which was fun and if my amigo's got into it I would buy it.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D