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The 2010 Steam client is now live! The overhaul changes many things about how information is organized on Steam, and makes it easier to do the most important things on the platform, like play games with friends. We wrote up an overview of what's new, so definitely check that out so that you don't miss anything. As we've mentioned, the beta testing went well - participants suggested valuable changes and reported lots of bugs for us to squash.

We're very interested in your thoughts on the new client, so please stop by the forums to tell us what you think.

P.S. This is the first post in the official Steam Blog. It's hard for us to believe we've never had a blog until now. Anyway, watch this space for thoughts from Steam central. Coming soon: Mac!


So i know this is a few days old but surprised no one posted this yet even on the front page. I mean we get front page posts about xbox or ps3 updates but no steam?

So far enjoying the new client since beta. Thoughts?