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this is the same graph you made, only difference is i increased the number of weeks.

the point that HappySqurriel is trying to make is that although the ps3 may outsell the ps2 in others, the total numbers aren't directly comparible because the ps3 is making up ground by haveing a holiday season earlier in it's life time. the ps2's holiday season is clearly around 57 weeks versus the ps3's 37 weeks.

the most telling part is comparing the slope of the non-holiday season sales - ps2 has a higher slope and thus better sales.

even if the ps3 outsells the ps2 in these next 3 weeks, the ps3 is going to lose a ton of ground on the ps2 at the 57 week mark when the ps2 had its holiday sales and the ps3 will be in non-holiday sales. overall, ps3 is not selling as well.

hope that was clearly written. xD