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radiantshadow92 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mortono said:
Hardcore gamers are so selfish. They actually think E3 is all about them! It's not a "consumer" show, it's a "trade" show. That means those presentations are made for people WITHIN THE TRADE.

In this sense, last e3 was certainly a success in that it excited retailers with the announcements of New Super Mario Bros and Wii Fit Plus for the holidays. Those might not be the titles the snobby, elitist IGN editors want, but the retailers knew it meant big money for them as these are huge mainstream titles.

This year, the real victories at E3 are going to be 3DS and Vitality Sensor. As much as IGN hates it, VS has the potential to be a new Wii Fit, especially if it focuses on helping people sleep. Think of the demand there is for sleep and relaxation aids. People buy medicines, take meditation classes, and upgrade mattresses all in the name of getting a better sleep. VS is tapping right into that demand in the same way Wii Fit tapped into the demand for home exercise equipment.

3DS is going to shock people when they realize "3D" visuals was not the actual focus of the console. In fact, people will forget the 3D aspect entirely as the real "hook" of the console is announced. Do you really think Nintendo is basing their next handheld console on 3d visuals when Iwata has said over and over that this alone can not justify the launch a new device? Personally, I think the 3DS is going to be more about 3d CONTROL than it will be about 3d VISUALS.

Of course, Zelda will probably be the announcement that IGN orgasms over. Other than this, I imagine they will declare e3 a failure only to be proven wrong when all the titles they hated sell tens of millions through the holidays.

And find some way to ignore that they were wrong.

NO, they admit that the games sell well. I have a huge feeling you do not know anything about the editors at IGN. Listen to their podcasts, they know that the wii sells like hotcakes. But just because it does, it does not mean that they should think the WII has quality games. 

IGN always sidesteps the fact that Nintendo is offering products that PEOPLE WANT. They admit the high sales, but always try to blame it on something else or simply try to ignore it. I remember the "Nintendo is Lazy" article feeling like a reaction to the high sales of New Super Mario Bros. Matt just couldn't get why on earth that game was selling like it was, so he decided to write an article telling us why we were all stupid for buying the game and that we should've saved our money for SMG2.

He completely missed the point that PEOPLE WANT 2D MARIO AND NOT 3D MARIO. Watch, now, as SMG2 sells half of what New Super Mario Bros did and IGN has another titanic meltdown.