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thx1139 said:
Millennium said:
Tanstalas said:
Millennium said:
Neither, or rather, it won't be possible to tell. The people who want Halo: Reach got a 360 for Halo 3, and the people who want GT5 got a PS3 for the Prologue. One could still argue -especially in GT5's case- that these games were still responsible for a number of console sales before the game's release, but that can't be tracked with any accuracy.

Yeah, I know tons of people who bought a $500 gaming system for a Demo.

Oh, they bought it for GT5. But when you can start playing it (or a demo thereof) immediately, why wait for the full version? The entire story of this gen is one of people not waiting for their favorite games before buying the console, but buying it sooner -almost like an investment- and tiding themselves over with similar games until then. It's how Halo 3, GTA4, LBP, and the other big HD blockbusters have all failed to verifiably move significant numbers of consoles, and neither GT5 nor Halo: Reach will be any different. They sold their systems long before the games themsevles were released, and those sales can't be tracked.

Smart man.

Not to mention the iconic franchises also happen to be what the early adopters also covet.  So I believe that most of the first PS3 owners will also be the first to get GT5.

lol , but ppl saying this about gt5 are mostly 360 fanboys , is there anyone  not biased here??