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Torillian said:

That's a highly simplistic view on things, I thought Jarrod's point was that sometimes things can change that make an old port do better than the original.  Such as Monster Hunter becoming a huge series on the PSP between the PS2 and Wii version of that game, or NMH getting more brand recognition since it was first introduced.

Puggsly put out a legitimate theory on why the Wii version may have done better than the PS2 and you decided to add nothing to the conversation.  Dissapointing.

Bingo.  While I do think some consoles have more receptive specific audiences to certain brands or genres generally (ie: Gundam games on PSP/PS3, rhythm games on DS/Wii, etc), it's asinine to look at a singular case (in this case NMH or MHG), irrationally discount any real context surronding the release and trying to claim any greater trend based off that.  It's questionable, it's disingenuous and really, it's just fundamentally unsound logically.

There's multiple factors contributing to NMH on PS3 or 360 barely outselling the 2 year old Wii release 1st week (lower pricepoints, larger PS3 installed base, uncensored on 360, greater brand awareness and promotion), just as there's multiple factors contributing to the Wii port of Monster Hunter G barely outselling the 4 year old PS2 original (MH3 demo, lower pricepoint, greater brand awareness and promotion, CC bundle).