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Not to many on the shock factor but I'll list a few:

Super Mario Galaxy- still the most stunning game I've played this generation. The atmosphere, the gameplay, the levels, and the feel of the game was one of the most sensation things this generation and a lovely experience. Was shocking due to the feel you get from playing the game, which is unlike any other.

The Orange Box- this was my first time playing Half-Life 2 and I was shocked at how wonderful of a first person shooter it was. Actually I can rephrase that to mean that other than a few select titles, I hadn't played any first person shooters until this one. After all the repetitive, silly, and misguided shooters I had played, this refreshing story-driven experience was simply amazing. And portal didn't hurt either haha.

No More Heroes- although I know a lot of people think this one is overrated, this one was shocking to me at just the kind of experience I got. Maybe not unique to others but the overall punk themes and story was just so wonderfully crafted. And the sequel was no slack on that matter either.

Assassin's Creed- however I don't think there is any other title this generation that shocked me the most. Shocking due to not expecting it to be good, not expecting the story, and sure as hell not expecting the environment and characters I got. To me it was just eye-opening and I guess my title that showed what the HD consoles could do. And that meant a lot because up til now, there are still very few that show that to me. Kudos to Ubisoft there.