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For me it is allll about gameplay, lasting appeal and controls. As long as the graphics don't draw down the experience. I find myself prefectly happy playing some last gen games b/c of this. Graphics just don't whoo me.

However, I don't want to discredit the importance of graphics/system power in the gaming world for two reasons. 1) As we are seeing with the wii, if your console is less powerful than the competition, third party developers have to make a 'special' edition. Building good third party relations is important. I think equaling your competitor in a given generation is important. 2) Often times when graphics are improved, physics are also improved upon. Physics add to the GAMEPLAY, which I love. Take for example, MW2. A simple feature like shooting through walls is something that was probably not possible last gen, and adds a new dimension to the game.

I'm probably a minority though.