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The guy who wrote the comment on your wall was rude.

If a game look's rubbish, then I have a hard time playing it. No More Heroes is probably one of the best games released this gen but the lack of polish, it's faded look and the amount of jaggies actually hurt my eyes after a while. I can't even play a PS3 or 360 game without a HDMI because it just look's so much better.

This doesn't mean the game has to be new or HD to look good though, I still play my N64 because all my favourite games on it are presented so well that they still look fantastic to this day. I can't say the same for most PS1 games.

If I'm buying a game for my PS3 or 360, then I expect it to look good. Gameplay is important but so is graphics and if a developer want's my money then I expect the best they can do.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.