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I don't know why, but a games graphics are so nice to look at that it makes me want to play them.. If  you look at my profile you'll see that all my favorite games have really great graphics and I for some reason like those so much more than other games. Don't get me wrong, I like other games with not ok graphics but they just don't really stick in my head as much as beating assassin's creed 2 compared to Saints Row 2. I'm asking this because there's like 3 messages that I recieved on this site saying that "you games suck because all you look for is graphics." If you don't believe me than see my profile wall and there's 1, you can't see my messages, but there's 3 there. I don't understand why. What's your take on it? Do you care about the graphics?

(oh and 1 more thing, I also care about the stories and replay value, not only graphics)