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johnappseed84 said:
dunno001 said:
johnappseed84 said:

So, do you think we will see a price cut for 360 in the near future to make it's price seem more reasonable when you realize you're not getting quite a lot out of the box in comparison to the other consoles? I could see myself not feeling bad about buying a 360 at $200.00 with a 60 gig harddrive, the three year extended warranty, and the ability to get a year of xbla gold and $50.00 worth of gamer points for the price of a PS3.

I've bolded the big difference and problem with your reasoning. That $300 would get you lots (or at least a few) downloadable games and a year of online play with them. Or that $300 gets you a PS3... with online, sure, but nothing to play on it. You're going to need to spend more money to get a game, whether it be $50 for again, more DLable games, or $60 for a new retail release. Of course, this same could be spent to further grow your 360 library, too... so it really comes down to which system just has more that you want, looking at games and features.

Oh yeah, original topic. I'd say around Natal's release. The lower price will help clear out the older non-Natal units, allowing Microsoft to have Natal bundled with most systems for the holidays.

My reasoning on this is that you get a blu-ray player with your purchase of a PS3 for $300.00 and you don't get a blu-ray player with an Elite for $300.00. Therefore being able to have a 360 with a 60 gb harddrive, a free year of Live, and $50.00 of downloadable games for $300.00 would be equivalent to what the PS3 gives you for $300.00.

The bluray player on the PS3 is clumsy to use, as a result, many people would rather purchase a stand alone unit, and with stand alone prices under $100 in some cases, it's a more viable option. The PS3 no longer has a great edge in that aspect (not that it did in the first place since bluray has yet to hit a large enough market share to be able to affect that PS3 selling point anyway) And secondly, the price of Live is not something the average consumer thinks about when purchasing the 360. Also, you failed to factor in the games, or the amount of people with 360s (more people with 360s means more of a chance that you will be playing with friends). I really don't think the PS3 has an edge, or more value to the majority (meaning more than 50% of consumers looking to purchase an HD console) of consumers. A price drop? No. Major bundling to keep things flowing, yes! PS3 catching up or surpassing the would be hard pressed unless something phenomenal happens. Sony has played it's trump card, the slim, all it has left is GT5 and and wiimote + knockoff...those are not going to move near the number of consoles Halo Reach and Natal will. Plus there are rumors about a 360 slim, which if true, will take a pretty large bite out of any ground the PS3 has made thus far.  

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!