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i don't know, on Yakuza 3 everytime i get the chance to walk around with Haruka i do, shes pretty fun to walk with, unlike lots and lots of games i played, where the "Escort" just slows you down and be annoying as hell, Haruka is a good girl, you get to go with her to play arcades, eat in fancy resturants, buy ice cream, play bowling .....ect , its also fun how even when doing side missions she follows you  (if you want her to that is) and cheers you when you go into a fight

does anyone like her too ? or i'm i just being a nerd and getting way into this game?

also i like how they did her personality grow with Y3 , she is more grown up and mature compared to Y1/2

Her on PS2

her on PS3


PS : If you haven't got this game your an asshole in my book plain and simple

why would you want to skip on one of the best games this gen?

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.