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Your opinion is flawed because the playstation and playstation 2 was more popular than Nintendo at everything but multiplayer. If we were to use your definition, its definitly Sony who made the real 360 degree analogue stick popular and also the dual analogue stick not Nintendo. Also, the quality of the N64 analogue stick was ridiculous, it was flawed and design was rushed.

With that said, nor Sony nor Nintendo invented those things. Actually in the video game business we rarely see any kind of technologic innovation. We take the technology from somewhere else and then adapt it to work in video game. Its not because a company can release a feature faster then another company that they have inherent rights in regard to that technology. Particularly more since sometime, company that release first will rush the product to be able to release it first. Rumble pack being an awesome example. Nintendo integration was a clunky add-on powered by 2 triple a batteries. While Sonys iteration was vibration integrated into the controller. The latter easily justify the 5 more months before release (5 months is the difference in japan). Even if you still stands by the opinon that second iteration is copying the first one, its unclear which company started working on that technology first. Its not because you release first that you got the idea first. This apply to all new features.