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dschumm - if the X360 only sold to Americans living in Japan, why are the #1 games there for the X360 games like Dead or Alive 4, Blue Dragon, Ridge Racer, and Ace Combat 6?

Why did Blue Dragon sell more in Japan than in the US (thus far) if only Americans bought the system(s)?

Wouldn't there be an inordinately large population of Japanese X360 buying more games like Halo, GRAW, Call of Duty, and such? GRAW, COD, RSV, and the like, all million sellers here, have sold under 25,000 there on the X360.

Yet they've sold 2m+ copies here.

Very, very, few of the top X360 games are western - Only Halo 3 is in the X360's Japanese top 10 (save maybe Gears of War).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.