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KungKras said:
Booh! said:
KungKras said:

About the GF thing. Ok fair enough, even the low ranked Garden students are powerful enough to convince a GF to follow them. Garden inhabitants are that awesome. I'll buy that.

Never played FFIV?

Nope. As I said, I am a noob when it comes to JRPGs. FFVIII is my first FF.

I wasn't sarcastic BTW. When it is put like that, I can belive that even the lowest cadets of an elite force are pretty powerful. Otherwise I would have a hard time watching Naruto.

Well, to cut a long story short: one of the main characters of ffiv is a young girl, the only survivor from the village of the summoners. The king of Baron tried to exterminate all the summoners, fearing their powers, but one of the knight from Baron sought to redeem himself and defended her from the Baron soldiers. She has the power to summon monsters like Ifrit, Shiva or Leviathan (that is GF).

some info