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johnappseed84 said:
jarrod said:
johnappseed84 said:
jarrod said:
johnappseed84 said:
Another reason that it would most likely be on PS3 is because inal Fantasy XIII sold roughly twice as well as MH3 in Japan.

Apples and oranges.  DQX is going to sell roughly double what FFXIII did in Japan as well.

     DQX has always been a more family friendly type series than Final Fantasy, so it should be expected that it will sell more on Wii.  However, no Persona game has ever had the type of sales that MH3, DQ, or FF have had.  Also, Persona is more of a mature audience type of game than DQ. Mature audience games like FF, MGS 4, the Yakuza series, Valkyria Chronicles, have shown that they can sell in the same type of numbers on PS3 that Persona has sold in the past on Playstation consoles.

Almost all of the mature audience games on Wii have sold less than the ones on PS3. 

Well, it's interesting you say that given MH3 outsold every game you just mentioned besides FFXIII.  Other games on Wii that sold in the range of the titles you mentioned include Monster Hunter G, Resident Evil UC, Samurai Warriors 3, Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia/Graces... again, I'm not exactly seeing an issue for audience here?

I'd also argue that Dragon Quest, being a series two decades old and deeply rooted in nostalgia and timeless themes, likely has an older average audience than Persona actually. It's inclusive, while Persona's more niche, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a sizable mature audience.  And really, Persona's even been reinventing itself to appeal to more shonen audience starting with P3, unlike the more obtuse and dark dungeon crawling Megatens of yesteryear... and coincidentally, it's on DS, arguably the most youth focused platform this gen, that we've seen SMT draw backwards towards the older, more hardcore style too.

Oh, I was only trying to mention games on PS3 that sold comparable to how past Persona games have sold to show that the PS3 by itself is quite capable of selling games in the numbers that most Persona games have sold. If they're thinking of trying to expand the market by a lot, then PS3 (or PS3 and 360) would probably also be the best choice as the best-selling T and M titles on PS3 like Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Killzone, FFXIII, MGS 4, GTA4, God of War 3 have all sold many times what the best selling T and M titles on Wii have sold. I really don't think that after the critical and maybe commercial success that most of the more recent Persona games have had that most Persona fans want the next home console version to go back to being the same type of game as the DS ones, but are looking for the next ones to be like the PS2 versions but with prettier graphics, etc.

None of those games have outsold Twilight Princess actually. But again, we're moving farther and farther from any real relevance to a niche RPG like Persona.  No Persona game will ever come close to those sorts of sales regardless of platform, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing them up?

Also, I think you misunderstood me, I'm not saying future Personas should ape Strange Journey and be something of a more hardcore throwback.  I'm saying Atlus has purposely repositioned Persona, and made it more appealing to a teen audience versus older Megatens (including Persona 1-2).