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bdbdbd said:
hobbit said:
bdbdbd said:
"Need for the constitution to change accordingly with the change in society"

Captain obvious strikes again. That's called democracy.

good thing we live in a Republic and all our states are republics. Seriously, how can one wish to change the document that tells the government how to run and what they can't do to us, on a social whim? That's why its really hard to change it.; unless you get judges that will destroy its meaning.

If the minority wants to change it, then there's no problems. Democracy happens. If majority wants to change it, but it won't be changed because the paper says not to. Then, democracy doesn't happen. I can't imagine a situation where constitution would run over the majoritys will. In an extreme case, the constitution will be overrun by force.

again its a good thing we live in a Republic then. ITs not like we can't have spending bills and laws without changing the constitution. All the constitution does is tell the government how to run and what they can't do to us.