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Ok, I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but...

I've got an 8 year old daughter who wouldn't touch the Wii remote. I had tried numerous games, and she just wasn't interested at all. So naturally, on her 8th birthday, I was a little skeptical when she circled "Hannah Montana" for the Wii. I looked and looked and looked for a bargain, because I just did not want to spend $50 on a game I knew she wouldn't play. But no such luck. And I knew she wasn't really a Hannah Montana fan, just her friends were (she doesn't even get up Saturday morning to watch it).

Anyway, long story short: She plays it all the time, and so does her 11 year old brother and two of his friends. They love it. It's basically just Dance Dance Revolution with a nunchuck and remote instead of a floor pad. The game has some problems (strange stuff, like she floats around the dressing room and other areas when she's right at the "border", awful lip-to-voice synching) controls don't register many of the times. But at around 16 songs and big time fan service paid, it seems to go over big with the Hannah Montana crowd. So I recommend it if they are into HM, and I recommend against it if they are not.