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I laugh so much at this. I remember Nintendo's marketing line in 2006. "Well, the PS3 is going to be sold out this christmas, but we'll have tons of Wii's on the shelf as a good alternative to the PS3". That is what Nintendo was saying around the E3. They had absolutely no clue it was going to be this big of a demand.

Besides, it takes twice as long to manufacture a Wii as it did a gamecube. Yep. You have to make two gamecubes and duct tape them together, of course, so it takes twice as long

I wonder how those 3,000 employees are making 1.8 Million Wiis + over 2 million DS systems a month (isn't that just two gameboys duct taped together?)

I should have bought stock in duct tape, it's the future *LOL*