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Look at the issues Sony are having with in-house production of the PS3 - they are moving as fast as they can, to outsource as much of it as possible.

If Sony was in the same situation, do you think they would be able to produce more than 1.8m PS3s / month? Hell no - not after 1 year anyway.

Demand is simply ridiculously high - so high, that it is meeting/exceeding the huge supply at the moment. If Ninty was making 4m / month - and it was still selling out - people would be saying the same things.


Look at the numbers - not the fact that its selling out. Its overtaken the 360 within 12 months, and close to a 10 MILLION lead over the PS3 - which launched at the same time!

Just wait till next year - and the stories of WiiFit being supply restricted. 200k / week production for that, simply won't be enough.

If there is any company with the resources (and the will) to continue to increase production - its Nintendo. Jan '08  is where they will really start to shine, and leave the competition in the dust. 

Gesta Non Verba

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